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WhisperNumber's Earnings Sentiment Report
If you came to WhisperNumber looking for research and information that has been regurgitated on every other financial site - you've come to the wrong place.

What separates WhisperNumber.com from the standard financial cable channels and many financial web sites is one thing:   You can't find our data anywhere else on the web.

You can go to other financial sites and a host of media sources to get 'biased news' and 'disinformation' flowing from Wall Street from sources that don't represent your interests. You can stand in line with thousands of other investors to listen to analyst after analyst and commentator after commentator 'hype' and 'recommend' stocks to you that they're selling from their portfolios. If there is one thing that we've learned from the stock market bubble it's that Wall Street and Main Street have separate interests.

Take a look at two of the most recent Earnings Sentiment reports: These reports are released on a weekly basis. On top of that, we'll also be sending you the Weekly Earnings Update. This is a weekly update of the upcoming earnings reports broken out by index and sector. A sample of the update can be found here.

WhisperNumber provides a platform with alternative information to help make you a more successful investor. We've made it possible for you to find new sources of unbiased earnings and market data that you can rely on. And now we're offering an easy to use educational Earnings Report on a monthly basis to help you understand and utilize this valuable data. We show you the other side of the coin; the side that banks and brokers don't want you to know about. Let our premium services help you become a more informed, patient, and successful investor.

From the company that rewrote the way earnings are reported, WhisperNumber offers the new weekly Earnings Sentiment Report to help guide you through the often complex but important and profitable Earnings Season.
The Earnings Sentiment Report Order today and get 2 complimentary special reports:
'Understanding Earnings and Whispers',
'The Consistent Markets Moves Around Earnings Reports'
Subscription:   Annual (1 Year)
Report Frequency:   Weekly 
Cost:   $195.00   

What you'll be receiving with the Earnings Sentiment Report subscription:
  • Weekly Earnings Sentiment Reports (with two upcoming spotlight companies)
  • Weekly Earnings Updates (by index and sector)
  • Earnings Report and Update Archive
  • Two Special Reports:
    'Understanding Earnings and Whispers', and 'The Consistent Markets Moves Around Earnings Reports'
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

Not ready to commit to one-year? Other options are available:

WhisperNumber's Reports are for informational purposes only, and are not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security, or that any investment strategy discussed is suitable for all investors. There is a very high degree of risk involved in the purchase and sale of securities and WhisperNumber.com and all individuals affiliated with Market Sentiment LLC assume no responsibilities for the trading and investment results of subscribers.

We offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results of this service within thrity days of your subscription start date (not applicable to monthly subscriptions). Past results are not indicative of future returns. WhisperNumber.com and Market Sentiment LLC employees make no representations or guarantees and are not licensed brokers, analysts, or registered investment advisors. Data presented is based on research and analysis. Reproduction or redistribution in any form is strictly prohibited.
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Since our start in 1998, we have collected earnings expectations (whisper numbers) from traders and investors that register with our site. Whether you call it 'wisdom of crowds', 'social media analytics', or 'crowd sourcing', this methodology has proven itself over the past twenty years as a more useful and valued earnings indicator. And traders know estimates don't move markets, expectations move markets.

The firm was founded in 1998 by John Scherr, with the belief that the aggregated data collected from individual investors & traders would prove more timely, accurate, and useful than the analysts consensus estimates. The WhisperNumber expectation is regularly referenced in notable financial media sources such as CNBC, Fox Business, Forbes, Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, The Street, and Bloomberg, amongst others.











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